The Beast Thing

by Eric Drewes

    Once upon a time, I was walking through the Temple of Oblivion in the 27th facet when I had the sensation that I was being followed. Peering around I saw something strange. It slowly trickled from the shadows and took on shape and form. Before I had a chance to run or gather my wits, it had completed its manifestation. The Beast Thing had arrived. I thought the Thing was just a myth but there it stood before me as real and true as anything (which isn't very real or true at all but real and true enough). It's skin was the dull flat black of infinity, giving off an impression of constant movement while standing completely stationary. Its eyes glimmered with a fiery light, like liquid fire. I was overcome with a strange sense of curiosity that was matched only by my intense fear, yet I stood my ground. Running from a monster like the Beast Thing was only inviting it to attack.

    "I am the hunter and the revolution. I am the final stop on the path of life. I am the Beast Thing. It is your time, traveler, and I have come for you." the voice seemed not to come from it but rather from everything else but it. The walls, the floor, even my body (and soul?) spoke these words while the Beast Thing stood silent.

     "But why?" I asked it.

    It paced back and forth staring at me with a thoughtful gaze, perhaps just trying to find a proper angle to attack.

    "You must re-enter the cycle. You must be CONSUMED so you can be reborn." It spoke while continuing its dance-like rhythm, its talons tapping hard against the cold ivory tiles.

     "So CONSUME me then," I said raising my arms into the air. I knew a creature such as this was too righteous to be reasoned with.

     It paused a half second before it bound into the air and was upon me. It's body seemed to stretch outward and envelope me like a net. What was once a monster of limited size had become limitless. All above me was the Thing and I fell backwards sprawling unto the floor. Its flesh was cold as it pressed against my skin and the blackness leaked underneath me like liquid until there was no white floor at all. All around me was total blackness as it crushed me and burned me. I felt completely disassociated with reality, the passage of time no longer seemed to hold any meaning. My existence seemed to consist of being devoured and digested for all of eternity. I felt myself slipping away, my thoughts and memories fading like a dream, I frantically grasped for them but only caught air. Then I felt as though I was nothing at all. I had no self, no ego, no body, no mind. I was no longer aware of ever being anything at all.

    9 month's later I was born.

    and here I am.