You nazi loving robots can drink coke and goose step on the heads of oppressed people all you want, but i want nothing to do with it.

the young upstart company that challenged the coca-cola mega corporation goes on to bring the world together and allow people to join together:

in 1949 Former U.S. Secretary of Commerce, the late Ron Brown, becomes the first African American to appear in a national consumer campaign when Pepsi initiates a campaign targeting the African-American market.

in 1959  Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev and U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon meet in the soon-to-be-famous "kitchen debate" at an international trade fair. The meeting, over Pepsi, is photo-captioned in the U.S. as "Khrushchev Gets Sociable."

in 1961 Harvey C. Russell joins Pepsi-Cola, becoming the first African American named a Vice President in a major U.S. corporation.

now lets look at the coca-cola equivelent:


 it is still a fact that the soft drinks giant from Atlanta, Georgia collaborated with the Nazi-regime throughout its reign from 1933 to 1945 and sold countless millions of bottled beverages to Hitler's Germany.

Unfortunately, this in itself seems neither surprising nor exciting. Cooperation if not outright collaboration with the Nazis was the rule for many transnational corporations with a stake in Germany and has been the subject of extensive research. Next to Standard Oil and I.G. Farben, for instance, Coke's story of peddling soda to opposing trenches appears tame. The immorality of bottling Coca-Cola for the Nazis stands in no relation to STP's selling of aviation fuel to the German war machine, nor can it overshadow the oil- producer's cozy wartime relationship with Germany's chemical giant I.G. Farben. Simply put, Coca-Cola's infamous deeds were not the Second World War's only ones, nor were they particularly sinister. After all, Coke cannot be used to fly airplanes or make bombs.

The Coca-Cola Company's tale of questionable wartime conduct would thus be comparatively insignificant and not worth the effort of dwelling upon, were it not for the fact that its product, namely Coca-Cola, was and is a luxuary item whose commercial success is inseparably tied to a public image created through advertising. Like all other companies in the business of selling goods nobody really needs, the Coca-Cola Company's advertisements must reflect the desires of the times in order to defend its share of the mass-market. How Coca- Cola chose to define itself through advertising was crucial to its success during the war years in the United States and is the story of the previous chapter. Thanks to a relentless barrage of war-supportive advertising built upon the Company's credo that "It isn't what a product is, but what it does that interests us," Coca-Cola after December 1941 convinced Americans at the front and at home that drinking Coca-Cola was somehow synonimous with fighting against the enemies of freedom and democracy. Coke wanted to be understood as a morale- booster for the American effort.

There was a moral price attached to this sort of advertising, because Coca-Cola's managers failed to couple the new patriotic image with a correspondent curbing of its contradictory activities in Germany, the company's second biggest market. While Coke-drinking GI's and other U.S. citizens had their carbonated soft-drink sweetened with patriotic statements like the 1943 slogan "Universal Symbol of the American way of Life," German Coca-Cola men had been busy quenching the thirst of the Third Reich and its conquered territories for years. To say the least, catchwords like Universal and American Way of Life were at odds with the Nazis' pursuit of their own "universalist" goals.

this reminds me of how the god damn french had an american flag on one side and a swastica on the other so they could suck both our dicks

now that is a lot to read and take in, but here, maybe i can help you:
Coca-cola loves Nazi's

Oh, so maybe they made a mistake huh?
Coca-cola operated in Nazi Germany, developed Fanta to serve to the Nazi's, did business in South Africa during apartheid, and now does business with a brutal dictator in Nigeria, a nation of over 100 million people.
read for yourself at:

also, on an entire side note, Coca-cola corporation realized they had an inferior product, and attempted to make a new coke to appease the masses.  It was called "New Coke" and it basically tasted like a watered down pepsi.  They tried to be more pepsi like and failed.

In conclusion:
I'm not brainwashed, if swastica waving,  minority hating, dictator supporting, rust disolving soda producing companies are what you're into, go ahead and drink Coke, i hope you like it.

but as for me, the choice is clear.